gluten free gnocchi

Butternut squash gnocchi with sage butter

For the Gnocchi

1 medium butternut squash, deseeded, cut into quarters and roasted.

2 garlic cloves

2 tbsp of olive oil

Sea salt and freshly grounded pepper to taste

1 large egg yolk

120 of Isabel’s Cassava flour

100g grated parmesan

For the Sage Butter Sauce

150g slightly salted butter

3-4 sage leaves

To garnish

 Chopped pancetta crispy (optional)

Parmesan shaves

Rocket leaves


Heat oven to 180˚C fan .

  1. Place the butternut squash into a roasting tray. Then rub it with the garlic, olive oil and season. Roast for 40 mins until soft. Leave to cool slightly.
  2. When the squash has cooled down enough to handle, remove the flesh and pass it through a fine sieve or put through a potato masher. Place into a clean pan and cook on a low heat for a further 30-40 minutes, until the mixture reduces, becomes denser with very little moisture.
  3. Place the butternut squash purée into a bowl, then season with the salt and pepper. Mix in the egg yolk, flour and the parmesan. Knead well until you a soft pliable dough, if the dough feels too wet, add a little more flour until the dough is the right consistency.
  4. Divide the dough, sprinkle a bit of Cassava flour on the surface, then roll the dough into a long baton about the thickness of your thumb. Cut the baton into little pillows about 3cm long, then press each one gently with the back of a fork. Repeat process with the remaining dough.
  5. Bring a large pan of water to the boil, then drop in the gnocchi in batches. Cook until they float, giving them a minute more before scooping out and place them in a serving tray. When all the gnocchi are cooked and drained well, set it aside and make the butter sauce.
  6. Fry the pancetta until golden and set aside.
  7. Melt the butter in a large pan until sizzling, then throw in the sage leaves and let sizzle for one minute before throwing in the gnocchi and tossing through.
  8. To serve, scatter the crispy pancetta, parmesan shaves and rocket leaves on top of the gnocchi, then serve and enjoy immediately.

homemade gluten free gnocchi

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